Blog 2 - Crime Scenes & CLUEDUP
As the short week went on, I continued to make crime scenes for students to investigate. These three crime scenes I made were a drowning, dismemberment, and overdose. I used the materials and classrooms I could access to create new and exciting scenes. After the group's initial walk-through of the scene, Dr. Chick and Coach Hace had me go back and change some of the critical components of the case. A new group would go through one of the three crime scenes and try to recreate the original one based on the previous group's notes. They wanted to show them how important taking extensive notes is in an investigation. We also went to downtown Cleveland to play CLUEDUP, a solve-the-mystery game. I joined a group and ran around downtown to find evidence and solve riddles to find out who had murdered four people in the area. It was a fun game with interactive challenges that forced us to use our problem-solving skills. The other minor challenge was to see which of the groups would finish first; unfortunately, many people could not finish, as the designers made this game too long. After everyone re-grouped, we went to the Cleveland Police Museum. We got a quick tour of the exhibit. My favorite part was Clevelands Torso Killer of Kingsbury Run, as I had just listened to a podcast about it (Serial Killers on Spotify). I would highly recommend listening. They had a sound suspect but could not convict him because he had friends and family in high places. What also made the case insane was the majority of the victims went unidentified, making it extremely hard for police to make connections. It was an existing week, and I can not wait to make more crime scenes and have fun with the other activities.
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